Floor Mat/Bathroom/Mops

Floor Mats/Bathroom Supplies

Making a great impression for your workplace starts with a good dust control program.  Helping to create a safe, clean and nice looking facility is what Ventura Uniform Service has been providing since 1975.

Entrance Mats and Dust Control

85% of the soil brought into any building can be contained within the first 10 to 12 feet.  Nearly all dust, soil, and contaminants in a building come through the door on people’s feet, damaging carpets and floors and spreading dust and other particulate matter through the air.

Our entrance mat program will protect and improve your facility’s image and reduce your overall operating costs by helping to keep your floors and carpets clean.


*All of our entrance mats are certified slip-resistant by the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI).

NFSI LogoendorsementsNFSILogo

Logo Mats

Ventura’s logo mat program allows you the ideal combination of promoting your brand while providing safety and cost-saving measures. 

Logo mats allow you to place your company logo or any other brand image right onto the floor mat.  Choose from one of our many applications, such as Classic Impressions, Compu Tuft, or Grand Impressions HD.


Restroom Supplies

In business, image is paramount when it comes to your customers and employees.  Even a restroom that is sanitized, well-stocked with supplies, and has a fresh scent is part of that image.  Utilizing Ventura’s restroom supply service provides an excellent benefit for your company’s customers and employees.  Ventura offers a wide variety of hand soaps, sanitizers, air fresheners, disposable paper towels and tissues.



Besides utilizing our entrance mat program, mops are a perfect way to ensure that your facility’s floors are safe and clean.  Ventura offers a wide variety of styles and sizes to fit the job.

 Choose between:

  • Dust mops (either cloth or micro-fiber)
  • Wet mops (either cloth or micro-fiber)




  • We deliver clean mats in exchange for soiled ones either weekly, or on a regular, mutually agreed upon schedule.
  • Our experienced representative will also change out all dirty mop heads and replace with clean ones.
  • We will keep all restroom supplies maintained at levels determined by the customer.